BEST Electrodes or Market

The very best electrodes on the market! Tired of prewired electrodes for the little ones that don’t work, don’t stick, or damage their skin? We heard from nurses constantly about them going through 4-6 sets of electrodes before getting a set that worked and stayed on. Our electrodes are radiolucent, high quality carbon wires, and stick like nothing you’ve ever seen. At the same time they come off easily with water and leave no residue or skin damage. You really have to see these to understand, please contact us to get samples.


The very best electrodes on the market! Tired of prewired electrodes for the little ones that don’t work, don’t stick, or damage their skin? We heard from nurses constantly about them going through 4-6 sets of electrodes before getting a set that worked and stayed on. Our electrodes are radiolucent, high quality carbon wires, and stick like nothing you’ve ever seen. At the same time they come off easily with water and leave no residue or skin damage. You really have to see these to understand, please contact us to get samples.


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